Although no one can predict exactly where that reflective process will lead, some people end up identifying very strongly with one sexual orientations, while others find it more difficult to determine. This could be part of a transitional phase you are going through which can help you figure out who you are. I do want to state first that around the ages of 12-18 yo –the age of puberty-, many people start to wonder about their sexuality and a lot of individuals question their sexual orientation.
I believe you are asking about sexual orientation and how to tell whether you are homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual. So what I’m trying to ask is… if I masturbate while thinking about men and have physical thoughts, does that mean I’m gay? But I have emotional feelings for women and I don’t know why I can’t have physical feelings. I have had sex with a girl already and I’m totally straight. My voice has deepened a little bit since the 7th grade. I get called gay at school because of my voice. I don’t know if I’m gay or not because of this. I think about men when I masturbate but I like women.